quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012


Sometimes you're with the person you love, feel that this is what you want and suddenly, almost without realizing start to get involved with someone else, ruining everything.Is not that a great love is happening and also is no accident ... just your relationship needs to be protegido.Pode believe that many people have fallen into this trap by naivety, almost without perceber.Quando least expected there is a third person .. .
HERE GO SOME TIPS TO PROTECT YOUR RELATIONSHIP VC:Suddenly, you begin to find interesting the sweet words of a colleague, always thoughtful, interesting smells like butt in between you guys bebê.E starts rolling intimacy dangerous and useless, because there's nothing verdadeiro.É a trap. ..-Beware of companies that you're accepting for perto.Não go spend time with people oposto.Lembre sex is a solid company that can generate intimacy and you may be creating an opportunity to enrolar.Não fall for it.-Beware of confidences: the person who should hear their confidences vc.Se is one who loves you like someone to tell their secrets, is a sign that something is going mal.As people tend to be sympathetic to the suffering and the emotional closeness can be perigosa.Assim, a man who is seeking another woman to hear their complaints, is treading a very dangerous path.-Care of the opposite sex: If a co-worker invites him to lunch, do not hesitate to invite a third pessoa.Evite moments alone with persons of the best sex oposto.É being labeled rude to fall into a trap of seduction.-Watch your thoughts: if you only get to see the faults of the loved one, you will certainly want to make comparisons and find someone melhor.Faça a list of positive things that have loved and stop thinking about negative things. Build a relacionamento.Comece today! Again I say, marriage is a wall where we put bricks or took all day. Now think: you're putting bricks or taking your relationship?-Remember that the world where you work is artificial and what you have at home is your world real.O man can work alongside a woman who is always fragrant and interesting when he gets home and finds his wife turns to with the world doméstico.A woman can find a man who shows more understanding and ready to hear confessions, but that's the trap sedução.Não fall for it.-It can happen that you think their marriage fell into the routine and it gives you reason to jump from one relationship to outro.Há even those who boast of "new feel", "refreshed" with a new relacionamento.Essa is another trap . Do not play the teen and know that you are an adult with responsibilities and that there is someone at home who trusts in you. Thus, to reclaim his beloved, reconstructing their life together. There is always a way out of rotina.Orgulhe that you are building a happy marriage.-Know that the strength of a marriage comes from the time the two spend together, laughing, talking, walking and making program juntos.Sejam parceiros.Ponha your heart in your casa.Seja the protector of your home!-Invest in the person of the things amada.Cuide dela.Mostre who cares about their every day coisas.Coloque a brick in respect of you.-If you have problems, seek help from more people experiente.Nunca seek help from people who put fuel on the fire.

Remember that a marriage does not work for acaso.É need to raise fences against external problems. Do not give brechas.Minimize defects and extends the qualities of the person you escolheu.Aprenda to speak good of the beloved and marriage and never threatens another with ideas of separation.
Nobody is perfect (or you) and learn to accept and love someone full of defects can be something wonderful. Worth a try.

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